Financial Wellbeing have helped thousands of parents, charities and special needs groups all over Ireland since 2008.
Special Needs Parents Network Donegal were delighted to have Financial Wellbeing host a Trust Planning Workshops webinar in November 2023.
We are delighted that they are hosting another webinar for Donegal families on November 5th at 8pm - 8.45pm.
Registration is now open - any parent who wishes to attend can click the link below
At their Trust Planning Events they inform parents on:
How a Special Needs Trust will protect your child’s future
Why a Special Needs Bank Account is necessary
How to write a Letter of Wishes
The importance of a Hospital Passport
How to choose the right Guardians and Trustees
How to build financial security for your child
How to fund a Trust from entitlements
Information on rarely claimed entitlements and tax credits
Strategies to create a brighter financial future
See links below for resources. For more information on Financial Wellbeing check out their website on https://www.financialwellbeing.ie/